Our Mascot

AJ the Little GombeyThe AJ Action Team (“AJAX”) is a voluntary committee of activists, artists and executives organized to facilitate the creation of a universal goodwill mascot named “AJ the Little Gombey” who represents “Unity in the Community World Vibe, by Fighting with Peace and Not for It”.

It is the Gombey tradition in Bermuda that, like jazz in the United States, is recognized as a distinctive cultural asset for the entire nation and links the island’s diverse ethnic population through fashion, music and dance to a common heritage based even further back in time at the Cradle of Humankind in Africa.

AJAX was convened in 2010 as part of a Bermuda-based international outreach campaign with Global Business Incubation, Inc to promote an “Africa First” strategy in global poverty eradication. By prioritising the interests of the least developed communities, AJAX ensures the realization of a wealth creation process that serves all.

As part of the Africa First mandate, the wealthiest countries have an obligation to overcome internal barriers of race, class and bigotry in order to recognise the true social implications of the African holocaust that was precipitated by imperialism, colonialism and chattel slavery.

Bermuda first served as the territorial laboratory to introduce Africans into slavery for the British North American colonies in 1616 and now ranks among the wealthiest countries in the western hemisphere. The Africa First strategy challenges Bermuda to address this legacy and direct its wealth to poverty remediation both internally and with its trading partners – first and foremost the USA.

California was selected as the inaugural state to prioritise the Africa First realignment because it is one of the wealthiest states in the world – not just the USA – and is the only North American state with a name linked to a mythical African lineage. Moreover, California is a trend setter in the post-industrial economies of green technology, informatics and entertainment. Finally, California is a major contributor to the property and casualty pool of Bermuda reinsurance assets through its stringent disaster preparedness and insurance requirements.

Working with GBI, AJAX is able to position Africa First with elite California institutions to advocate for the new frontier of global reconciliation and poverty remediation.

Meet AJ the Little Gombey